UFO satan Mars Cydonia ufo Elohim angel UFOs Bible prophecy angel Antichrist Baal alien
ufo angel extraterrestrial Mars Cydonia ufo angel alien satan
antichrist Bible prophecy satan antichrist conspiracy UFO satan Mars Cydonia Elohim angel UFOs Bible prophecy angel Antichrist Baal alien
ufo angel extraterrestrial Mars Cydonia ufo angel alien satan
antichrist Bible prophecy antichrist conspiracy alien Mars satan
Elohim, ben Elohim, and Nephilim
Satan distorts the very name of God, Elohim--in Hebrew elo=God,
and im=the Hebrew masculine plural. Satan has already convinced many that Elohim describes the angels, the "many gods".
ELOHIM is the name God revealed to Israel which describes His triune nature, His multiple aspects.
Even though the Bible is full of references to Extraterrestrials, the popular notion that Elijah was taken up in
a UFO is false. Significantly, the account of Elijah testing the prophets of Baal delineates the separation between the false
gods, the many manifestations of the fallen angels on Earth, and the True God ELOHIM.
Elijah gathered the priests of the "baals" with the people of Israel,
and proposed a challenge, a contest between God and gods:
1 Kings 18:24 And you shall call on the name of your god; and I
I will call on the name of Jehovah; and it shall be,
the god who answers by fire, he is the God.
18:38 And fire fell from Jehovah and burned up the burnt offering,
and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and the water that was in the
trench was licked up by it. And all the people saw, and fell on their faces,
and said
"Yehovah, He is THE ELOHIM!
Yehovah, He is THE ELOHIM!"
Deut. 6:4 Hear O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is one.
Literally translated, Duet 6:4 declares, Shema Israel, Yehovah Elohim, Yehovah echad!"
AM Gods, I AM unified.
The testimony of two witnesses
is true.
I AM that bear witness of myself, and the Father
who sent me bears witness of me. (John
The Bible declares "At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall a
matter be established".( Num. 35: 30; Deut. 17: 6, Matt. 27: 16). It is also interesting to note, that
it is the second person of the Trinity that is especially called "the faithful witness" (Rev. 1:5).
The fact that Elijah himself will take part in the first 3 &1/2
years of the tribulation as one of the witnesses of Rev.11
further demonstrates the prophetic nature of the
historic challenge between Baal and God in 1Kings 18. In the end times
Satan will counterfeit the miracle of fire
falling from heaven to persuade the
people of the world that Antichrist is God (Rev 13:13) with the help of the "fiery flying seraphim".
Do not rejoice O Philistia, all of you, for the rod of your striking is broken, because
a viper (Antichrist) comes forth from the root of the snake (Satan) and his fruit is
the fiery flying seraph.
What is a "seraph"? The root form of "seraphim" in Hebrew connotes the members
of the angelic host whose distinguishing characteristic is brilliance, or fire.
According to Isaiah, these brilliant angels are the tools of Satan himself,
the angelic host following him in his rebellion, and the forces behind Satan's
End Times Deception...Ufo phenomena.
For specifics on how the Antichrist
will use the fiery flying seraphim, check out our new UFOs and Antichrist: Invasion from Mars? page.
The book of Revelation gives a description of
demonic miracles manifested by the false prophet on behalf of the Antichrist
for the world to see. The most prominent of these is the calling down
of fire from heaven, as the prophets of Baal were unable to do in Elijah's day.
God ALLOWS the Antichrist to counterfeit miracles on an unprecedented level during the Tribulation.
Consequently, Israel and the world will believe the Antichrist, (ministered to by the rebel angels
disguised as "aliens" bearing ET technology and wisdom) is the true god.
Many believe the most blatant example of UFOs in the Bible is the account of Ezekial and the Wheels.
Although there are many accounts in the Bible that do indeed support the fact that ancient man was visited by the rebel ben Elohim, fallen angels
pretending to be "aliens mistaken for gods", this reference to "wheels" and "creatures"
in Ezekial does not describe UFOs.
"Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon
the earth beside the living creatures one for each of the
four of them. As for the appearance of the wheels and their
construction, their appearance was like the gleaming of a
chrysolite, and the four had the same likeness being as it
were a wheel within a wheel. The four wheels had rims and
they had spokes, and their rims were full of eyes round about.
And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside
them and when the living creatures went, the wheels went with
them, for the living creature was in the wheel."
Ezekiel 1
The living creatures are the four points of the zodiac. The zodiac
alludes to the coming of Christ.
Cherubim reflect the glory of God, the zodiac reflects the glory of
God, they are all interconnected, according to God's plan.
The "wheels within wheels" are the terrestrial planets going
around in their orbits, "and when the living creatures went",
that is, when the constellations of the zodiac went around in
the heavens, "the wheels went with them," the planets in their
orbits went around with them, "for the living creature was in
the wheel", the constellations orbit along a "wheel" as do the
planets. As for the "eyes all around", this refers to the Zophim,
the Watchers (from the same root as eyes).

The Nephilim
Check out the discussion between Watcher and Eric Stetson
at UFOs in the Bible
Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah, so also
will be the coming of the Son of man. For as they were in the days before the flood...
Just what was going on in the "days before the flood"?
The ben Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that
they were fit extensions. And they took wives for themselves from all those that they
chose...The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when the
ben Elohim CAME IN TO the daughters of Adam, and they bore to them--they were Powerful Ones
which existed from ancient times, the men of name. (from the Interlinear Hebrew Bible Genesis 6)
The word which is translated, "giants", in the King James
version of the Bible is, in Hebrew, "Nephilim", which means,
"Those who fell, or ... the fallen ones". Jude, the brother of
Jesus describes them as "angels, having left their first estate in
heaven". These fallen angels came to earth for a serious purpose.
The "fallen ones" sought to merge with the bloodline of Adam,
because of the promise to send a redeemer through Adam's kinsman. The Hebrew
says that the Sons of God saw that the women were a fit "extension",
for they sought to extend themselves into this realm from the spirit realm,
as well as to extend themselves into the "children of the promise"
the lineage of Adam. Satan tried to prevent the eventual birth, in the
distant future, of the Messiah.
The mating of human beings with
angels resulted in hybrid creatures, evil spirits with human bodies. The
human\angel hybrids began to corrupt and destroy the human race, resulting in the Deluge, "the end of all flesh" except Noah and his family.
The Bible
uses other names to describe these abominations and their descendents in
addition to the word Nephilim, they are. . . .
- Raphiam-
from the root word rafa=(spirits) Gen. 14:5
Anikim- the prideful ones, Num. 13;28-33,
Emim- the proud deserters, Gen. 14:5
Zuzim- the evil ones Num. 14:5
Zamzuzamim- the evil plotters, Deut. 2:20
Zophim- the watchers, Dan. 4:17 Num. 23,
The Sepherim- the many. . . .
For hundreds
of years the Nephilim corrupted the earth and oppressed
mankind. The Bible states that the giants existed before the flood and
even after that time,Gen. 6:4. This contradicts tradition but is historically
upheld by accounts in Exodus where descendents of the Nephilim are encountered
in Canna by the Israelites. The Apocryphal Book of Enoch, a 1st century
B.C. extra Biblical manuscript quoted by Jude and John, details events
of the fallen angels. It describes their punishment and even their names.
Some of the Nephilim perished, at least their bodies perished, beneath
the waters of the flood. The leaders of this rebellious act were chained
until judgment day at various locations in the earth. Jude and John also
relate this account. Job 26:5 KJV says, "Dead things are formed from
under the waters". This seems to imply that men were killed under
the waters of the deluge.
The original Hebrew text relates something much more mysterious. The
literal translation is, "The Rafa were made to writhe from beneath
the waters". The word Rafa is only found in scripture identifying
the "fallen angels", and is never used to denote the "human
dead" anywhere in the Old Testament. The historical basis for the
interpretation of Gen. 6 as an account of fallen angels is consistent.
Philo, Josephus, Epiphanius , Hilarius , are some of
many examples.
The book
of the Jubilees remarks that Jared, an Old
Testament patriarch, was so called because in his days the angels descended
( Yeh-red, to descend) on the earth. Origen, translates the word Jordan as (Yar-dane) "the place
of the descent". Jordan is located in the ancient boundary of Israel. Significantly, Israel
is currently a major location for sighting fallen angels, rebel ben Elohim, and their UFO craft.
The Book
of Enoch explains that the Sons of God descended first onto the mountain
called Hermon which in Hebrew means desolation, in the land of Jordan the
place of the descent. Desolation is exactly what Satan and his angels intended
to make the earth by destroying the descendents of Adam. Obviously, to
make desolate the earth, not only of man but of God's influence has been
the devil's goal from the beginning.
The Ben Elohim are Still Engineering Bodies...
Just as in the times of Noah